Elementary School Earns Largest Donation Check In Young Masters’ History
OKLAHOMA CITY (February 5, 2015) An art-based fundraiser headquartered in Oklahoma City and owned by Candid Color Systems, Inc., wrote the largest donation check in its history last month to an elementary school in Orlando, FL.
Park Maitland School , PK-6, participated in the Young Masters fundraising program for the fourth year in a row this Fall. It hit the proverbial jackpot when family and friends of its students purchased more than $14,000 in customized prints and forever keepsakes from www.youngmastersart.com . With more than 600 children enrolled in the school and all of them participating, Park Maitland’s head of the Art Department, Maggie Flavhan, was thrilled when the donation check was received.
“The check came at a good time, too,” explained Ms. Flavhan. “At the first of the year, right after the holidays when teachers need supplies for Spring. It was really nice to get a check for more than $4200!”
What was the secret to their success with Young Masters? Ms. Flavhan gives most the credit to the artwork. She explained at Park Maitland, students are left to their own imaginations of what to draw on their YM art boards. The school does not use a theme-based approach to their Young Masters program.
“Throughout the year, most of our lessons are theme-based. The Young Masters program is the perfect opportunity to let the children tap into their own creativity and imagination and do something less structured. It pays off in artwork that is unique and usually very personal.”
Ms. Flavhan believes strongly that children take more interest, and eventually, more pride in artwork that is of their own imagination. “Parents do, too,” she continued, “And that results in a more successful fundraiser.”
“The other key to success,” she explained, “is the quality products
YM offers. The products are one of the reasons we changed vendors for this program a few years back, and the reason we remain so loyal. Our parents have seen for themselves the quality of the products and have no reservations placing orders. ”
“As a teacher, I like how easy and convenient the program is to incorporate into the classroom. I like that we do not have to collect orders and payments any more. And since orders are shipped directly to the family, we don’t spend time sorting and distributing orders either. “
Ms. Flavhan says she is blessed to be at a school like Park Maitland that is determined to keep art, drama, and music in children’s lives. Park Maitland is a private school and has an art education staff of five. Ms. Flavhan has been teaching there for 14 years. She was graduated from the University of Central Florida and earned her Masters in Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
If you are an elementary art instructor or a PTO at a school interested in participating in the Young MastersTM art program or getting more information, please call 1-877-688-7427 or e-mail customerservice@youngmastersart.com.